Phoenix Magazine: Eyes on Phoenix 2017
Arizona is now home to the top eye surgery company in the nation and it’s all about YOU! Barnet Dulaney Perkins and Southwestern Eye Center have joined forces to create the “best-in-class” eye surgery experience. For more than 30 years, each company operated with the goal of creating the top eye surgery centers in the world. By forming American Vision Partners, the two brands have partnered to provide patients and local Doctor of Optometry partners with exactly that. New technology will provide patients with the highest quality experience and medical results in eye care. More locations and top-tier Ophthalmic Surgeons means even more personal care, less travel, reduced wait times and less paperwork to get the best eye care in the nation! New President and CEO, Kyle A. Bohannon, says he joined the organization to create a “Center of Excellence,” a place where patients can get exactly what they need more quickly, in the most efficient manner, with the best overall patient experience and results.
Phoenix Magazine, November 2017