American Vision Partners (AVP) is dedicated to doing our best to provide a safe and healthy environment for our patients and staff. While efforts to contain COVID-19 continue to evolve, AVP has taken proactive and voluntary steps to prevent the spread of the disease in our office and community.
Cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning
Disinfecting surfaces is one key way to minimize the spread of viruses, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). From clinics and surgery centers to our business offices and call center, here are some ways AVP is working to ensure a healthy experience using EPA and OSHA approved virus-killing products:
- Facilities – All of our facilities adhere to strict infection control policies in accordance with the CDC recommendations. AVP has increased its regular infection control cleaning program, including high traffic areas, door handles, phones and other frequently touched surfaces.
- Check-in – While touch screens are convenient, they require customers to touch the same surface that others have. That’s why we’re disinfecting mobile check-in tablets between patients.
- Treatment areas – In addition to the waiting room and check-in areas, AVP has increased the cleaning schedule of treatment areas, making supplies readily available to our teammates for spot or more frequent cleaning and more seat cleaning in the process.
Hand Sanitizer access to patients
Simple personal hand hygiene including frequent hand washing and not touching one’s eyes, nose or mouth is essential to minimizing the spread of the COVID-19 and other viruses. While we know many patients are following this guidance, here are some other ways AVP is assisting patients with ways to stay clean:
- Hand sanitizers – AVP has hand sanitizers at all check-in and check-out counters, as well as mounted dispensers throughout the facility.
Arming employees with facts and supplies
American Vision Partners employees are the foundation of our success – their health, safety and knowledge are paramount. Here are some ways we’re supporting employees so they can better support our patients:
- Supplies – Providing hand sanitizer, gloves and other protective equipment, particularly for those who engage directly with patients, and masks for use by ill patients, their caretakers or employees who are in close contact with ill patients.
- Information – AVP is continuously communicating with employees about evolving CDC, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control, and WHO guidance. General updates and role-specific guidance are being provided to employees regularly.
How can you help?
We are asking that you help us keep American Vision Partners and all of our affiliates a healthy environment by following the CDC’s prevention recommendations.
- Patients and necessary guests are required to wear a face-covering while in the facility. Acceptable face coverings:
- Bandana, scarf, cloth face mask (multilayers, covering their nose and mouth and secured behind ears or head).
- When you enter our facility we will ask to take your temperature.
- We will ask that guests wait outside the facility or in the car.
- We will offer you the opportunity to wait in the car as well. We will call your cell phone when we are ready for you.
- Know the symptoms: Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure and may include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
- Please call and change your appointment and stay home when you are sick or exhibiting early symptoms of illness.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then dispose of the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces like doorknobs, and handles using a household disinfectant on a regular basis.
- Please use the provided hand sanitizer when entering and exiting any AVP affiliate clinic or surgery center.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before eating; after going to the bathroom; and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
- Be prepared and informed on COVID-19 by obtaining regular updates at
Remembering what we’ve learned from other global outbreaks
COVID-19 isn’t the first epidemic we’ve faced, and what we’ve learned from H1N1 and Ebola has helped prepare us to take care of patients today. While every health event has unique elements, the adjustments AVP has made in the past continue to pay dividends for managing COVID-19. These include equipping locations with Universal Precaution Kits, hand and surface sanitizers and other items, in accordance with CDC recommendations, so employees can maintain their own health and the health of those patients should a patient show signs of infection.
While no one can predict with certainty whether Arizona will be impacted by the coronavirus, we are monitoring the situation and preparing to the best of our ability to keep our patients and employees healthy. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.
We value you and your family! Thank you for doing your part by following the CDC recommendations and those set forth by American Vision Partners.
-Your team at American Vision Partners